søndag 22. november 2015

Good enough

Hello, and welcome to my first blog post!

I decided to make this blog as a way to better explain what God has called me to do. During DTS (Discipleship Training School) it became clear that my calling in life is to bring God's restoration and healing to the lost and broken. He did however, not call me to Africa, which is what I thought being a missionary was all about. It's not just Africa that needs Jesus. This whole world is so broken, and the western-world is no different.

My passion has always been fashion design. But I felt like it was such a "superficial" interest and most times I did not dare tell anyone that it was my dream. What I now realize is that this dream, is a God-given dream! And I am so excited to see what God will do in the fashion-industry. His dream for us, as sons and daughters- is that we will realize our true worth and identity in Him. When we are living in this appearance-focused world it is hard not to get impacted by the worldly standards. It seems like no matter how "good" you are, how "skinny" you are, how "beautiful" you are, or how "fit" you are - it just isn't enough.

Never enough; that is the message we get from the world today. We are never enough. However, we are told to never stop giving up on the goal of being enough. So we work out more, we eat less, we eat healthier, we wear more makeup, wear less clothes, and we wait for the day we can finally feel good enough. But what is "good enough"? What is "being enough?" Will we ever really be "good enough," or simply "enough" for the world? I used to not feel good enough. I used to strive to be enough, and I used to strive for perfection. I found myself stuck, because no matter how much weight I lost, no matter how much makeup I wore, no matter how many nice clothes I had- I just didn't feel like it was "enough."

Over the last year God has shown me that in His eyes, I am good enough, and I am more than enough. There is nothing that I could do or say or be that would make me better. Because in His eyes; I am all He ever wanted me to be. That is such a powerful and wonderful message. Not just because it is the truth, but because the truth will set you free. I no longer strive for perfection, because I know God is the Only One that is perfect. I no longer try to be good enough for the world, because I was never made for the world. I know that I am more than good enough, just as I am. 

This is what the world needs, this is what the fashion industry needs, this is what the society needs; the truth. I am excited to see where God will take me to bring His healing and restoration. What I do know, is that living out my calling will be nothing but boring! And I am excited for whoever wants to follow me on this journey!


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